Today I had the distinct honor of welcoming El Super to the Highland Park community. For some time now, the lot on York Ave. and Ave. 56 has sat empty and isolated, weakening the value of the neighborhood. In these hard economic times, a grand opening for a business is rare. El Super showed interest in the community of Highland Park and has worked closely with my office to make sure that community needs were met. El Super brings 100 local jobs and has employed local residents, offering opportunities in a time when not many companies can. At today’s Grand Opening celebration, I was happy to join Carlos Smith, President and CEO of El Super, vendors, community leaders, and the newly hired staff to celebrate the grand opening of this new supermarket that will offer fresh and affordable produce to residents. I think I can safely say that many residents are thankful for the investment being made in Highland Park and I look forward to the many positive benefits El Super will bring.