Friday, August 17, 2012

Message from Councilmember José Huizar Regarding the SR-710 Extension

I am opposed to any 710 extension route option that negatively affects our communities. In 2009, I introduced legislation calling on the City of Los Angeles to oppose several above-ground SR-710 extension options cutting through Northeast Los Angeles and I continue to oppose such routes.

As a Metro Board member, I voted against moving the current EIR forward since it lacked a clear plan of action and a designated route.

Today, without a clearly defined route for the EIR to study, this ambiguity is causing fear and confusion for many local residents. The project needs to clearly indicate one potential route and compare that with the no-build option and the available multi-modal options.

Of Metro’s 12 remaining options, the Freeway and Highway alternatives would have detrimental impacts on the communities they would go through. Therefore, I categorically OPPOSE the following routes: H-2, H-6, F-2, F-5, and F-6.

Today in Council, I introduced a resolution reminding the City of its earlier opposition and calling on the City Council to oppose these newly defined routes, and any above-ground options. These routes would destroy historic buildings and neighborhoods, increase traffic congestion and cause irreparable harm to tens of thousands of people.

In short, these routes would not link communities, they would destroy them.

As this process moves forward, Metro needs to be more forthright with all parties involved, particularly the affected communities by engaging in an open and honest dialogue.

Per my request, Metro will hold a community outreach meeting in my district on September 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Highland Park Senior Center to provide residents and stakeholders with a greater understanding of the EIR process, the studies being conducted and a timeline.

I encourage everyone to make their voices and opinions be heard. Metro can be contacted directly via email at